Published inHarmonyiTokens on HarmonyiToken standard on Harmony to enable cross-chain identity and interoperability.Apr 13, 2022Apr 13, 2022
Published inHarmonyHarmony Launches Cross-Chain NFT BridgeHarmony protocol launches cross-chain NFT bridge as part of the Horizon bridge. Users may bridge standard ERC72/ERC1155 tokens from EthereumNov 29, 2021Nov 29, 2021
Service Launch Checklist and ORRA checklist to launch public service, and Operational Readiness Review list.Jun 25, 2021Jun 25, 2021
Published inHarmonyService ExternalizationDecentralization and externalization is the only way to have the blockchain long-lived with the support of the community.Jan 20, 2021Jan 20, 2021
Harmony on ARM64Recently, AWS had been promoting their ARM64 based instance type heavily, like m6g, c6g instance type. I worked with the team that backed…Jul 31, 20202Jul 31, 20202
New decade of blockchain adoption2020 commences the 2nd decade of the 21st century. This decade is crucial to the blockchain industry as the blockchain technology is ready…Jan 11, 2020Jan 11, 2020
100% Uptime on Harmony MainNetWhat we learned from post-mortem and what we should do to keep the Harmony blockchain network up. 100%!Oct 25, 2019Oct 25, 2019
Validator Success — Survey SummaryWe have already created a summary of the recent validator survey in this medium post. This post adds a few more in-depth analysis purely…Oct 25, 2019Oct 25, 2019